
A Typical Sunday

When you come to worship at Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, we hope that you feel a sense of community around you—a community that will lift you up, heal your spirit, and foster a sense of joy in your soul.

Our worship is based upon the liturgical practices of the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Book of Order, and our new hymnal, Glory to God. Our service typically includes congregational singing and special music, readings from the Bible, prayers of confession and prayers of the people, and a sermon based on the Biblical texts of the day.  We engage our sacred texts with hearts and minds open to hear what God is callng us to do and be in our community and beyond.

Our usual Sunday worship schedule

10:30 a.m. – Worship Service including a Time for Children. The children leave following a Time for Children for Sunday School.


The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is the Church’s continuing celebration of God’s love for us. At Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month and some special days like Ash Wednesday and the Thursday of Holy Week, known at Maundy Thursday.

Following Worship:

Join our congregation after worship in the Fireplace Room to share a beverage, a healthy snack, and a little conversation. On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate birthdays that month with a cake.

Special Services

During the liturgical year, Kenilworth Presbyterian offers services to mark the occasions or events in the life of the church.

  • Sundays in Advent, the four Sundays before Christmas
  • Christmas Eve
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Gifts of Women Sunday, the second Sunday in March
  • Palm Sunday
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Bright Sunday or Holy Humor Sunday, the Sunday after Easter
  • Pentecost, fifty days following Easter
  • World Communion Sunday, the first Sunday in October