Welcome to Kenilworth: watch this video
In 1894, the Portland Presbytery received an offer of two lots from the owners and developers of the Kenilworth Addition. The property was given on the condition that a building be erected there in the near future for not less than $1100.00. By the time the offer was accepted, the building was already under construction.
Between September 1895 and October, 1908, services were held as a Sunday School Mission.
Kenilworth Presbyterian Church was chartered by the Portland Presbytery on Sunday, October 18, 1908 with twenty-five members. By the end of the year, electric lights were installed in the building permitting evening services to be held.
Changes to the building were minor until 1949. At this time, the new Christian education wing was started. The expansion was required to provide ample space for the growing enrollment of the church school.
As originally built, the entrance to the church was on the west end of the building on SE 34th Ave. The new construction placed the entrance on SE Gladstone rather than 34th Avenue.
The next major construction under the leadership of Pastor Emeritus Rev. Elmer R. Frimoth, Jr. consisted of a total renovation of the building with the sanctuary turned with the pews now facing north. The work was completed in 1968.
In recent years, the building has been lovingly renovated and refurbished with paint, carpet, lighting, electrical and flooring upgrades. A labyrinth was added near the front entrance. There is a fenced play yard behind the church for our preschool and a community garden for members and neighbors.
Kenilworth is a warm and welcoming place.
What We Believe
We believe that in life and death we belong to God. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the One Triune God, who redeems us together to serve God, to love neighbor, and to accept ourselves. So we, the members of Kenilworth Presbyterian Church, are an accepting and nurturing family of committed Christians, made up of diverse persons, yoked with Christ in servanthood.
Mission Statement
God has called us to be a redeemed people, with whom all can heal and grow. In light of this call, our mission is to proclaim God’s story of redemption by faithfully providing a relevant program of worship, education, fellowship, evangelism, and stewardship, which nurtures the congregation and reaches out to the community.
Rev. Susan M.
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Elmer “Bud” Frimoth, Jr. (1926-2022)
Rev. David Jewel
Office Assistant
Laura Schaefer
Director of Music
Barbara Votrobeck
Preschool Teachers
Kira Billek and Kara Reavis
Parish Nurse
Rev. Timothy (Tim) Winslea, RN
Church Officers
Clerk of Session
Rick Votrobeck
- Edith Starling
- Karl Berger
- Barbara Votrobeck
- Carol Garner
- Jonathan Jewel
- Paul Youngs
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team
- Moderator: Carol Garner
- Secretary: Allison Zimmerman
- Treasurer: Barbara Votrobeck
- Spiritual Nurture: Louise Langley
- Peace and Justice: Rebecca Jewel
- Gifts of Women Sunday: Barbara Votrobeck
- Mission Outreach: Nancy Youngs
- Kitchen Keyper: Laura Schaefer
- Fundraising (Tea Party, Rummage Sale): by committee of the whole
Communications: Website, Newsletter and Facebook
- Website: Rebecca Jewel
- Newsletter: Allison Zimmerman
- Facebook: Eleanore Ramsey