Christmas Day and Christmas Eve Services

The Sunday morning service on December 24 will be held at 10:30 am. It will be led by Pastor Olivia Tabert and will celebrate the 4th Sunday of Advent. The Fellowship Time following the service has been cancelled. The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will begin at 7:30 pm and will be led by our new … [Read more…]

Groceries 4 Grout

We are collecting egg cartons again! Bulk packed eggs cost less than retail eggs. When offering almost 300 dozen eggs a month, the savings add up quickly. The Brooklyn Action Corp collected 113 pounds of groceries at the November drive. Grout PTA awarded G4G a $2000 grant to underwrite the rental of a cargo van … [Read more…]

Welcome: Rev. Susan McDougall

The Kenilworth Session has concluded their Pastor Search duties and Kenilworth PC has a new pastor. We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Susan McDougall as part-time Stated Supply Pastor. Susan received her Masters of Divinity from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary. Susan has served as a hospice chaplain in Colorado … [Read more…]

Kenilworth Presbyterian Women Meets Dec. 16

Join us for the December meeting of PW on Saturday, December 16 at 9:30 am. We will be discussing lesson four in our Bible Study: Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts. The meeting will also include a cookie exchange. You are invited to bring a dozen cookies to share to … [Read more…]